Monday, February 14, 2011

Sexy movies to watch on Vday night!

Here's my all time list of the sexiest movies! Rent these and cuddle with your love- whether it's your man, woman or self! :)

Lust, Caution- This is a movie about a woman who is a spy and is supposed to become a lover to a man who is some kind of government agent- the trouble is she begins to have feelings for him. It is super steamy and sexy, with an intricate plot underneath.

Bound- This is about a woman who is unhappy with her gangster boyfriend and involves her lesbian neighbor in a plot of theft and revenge. Super hot and a cool movie.

Dirty Dancing- Classic!

Unfaithful- Diane Lane is perfection and you won't believe the ending!

The Notebook- This also goes under the highly romantic category, but it's also very sexy- Ryan Gosling!!

9 1/2 weeks- This is back when Mickey Rourke was really sexy. Yes kids, Mickey Rourke used to be really hot!! I also love Kim Basinger's hair and clothes in this movie.

Mulholland Drive- also the reason why I think Naomi Watts is one of the best actresses out there. This movie is very complex and dark and disturbing and SEXY.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Groundhog Day

In honor of Groundhog day I'd like to highlight.. well, Groundhog Day!

It's a movie about a man (the AWESOME and hysterical Bill Murray) who is stuck reliving the same day (Groundhog day) over and over for years and years. Basically because he's a prick.
If you have never seen this movie stop whatever you're doing and go out and buy it right now!! It's probably only 5 bucks at Walmart.

Winter recommendations

This year New England weather is brutal! Here are some wintry movies to get you through...


Think you've got it pretty bad? Watch this movie and you'll feel better about your situation. 
I had never seen this film until recently. I always heard all the bad stuff... eating people! Cannibalism!
Don't let that stop you from watching this uplifting (sorry for the cliches) and spiritual movie- it was great!
It's about a rugby team from Uruguay who's plane crashes deep into the snowy mountains of Chile. In winter. Around 30 or so survive the crash with barely any food and hardly any winter clothes. The question isn't HOW they survive but the WILL to survive such an incredible ordeal.

Here are more great chilly movies...

The Shining.
One of my all time favorite horror flicks. So scary!

The Thing.
This is another super scary movie. "the thing" is an alien creature that can mimic the looks of any living person or animal that it kills. Creepy!

Smilla's Sense of Snow.
A great murder/mystery.

Another classic. Lovable and detestable characters all rolled into one.

The Ice Storm.
A very unperfect family movie.

30 Days of Night.
Sometimes you falsely accuse a movie of being cheesy (maybe having to do with Josh Hartnett) then rent them on Netflix and realize you should have seen it in the theater! This was one of those movies for me. A good vampire flick and a great performance by Danny Huston who is one of my favorite actors.

Cold Mountain.
Actually I didn't really like this one, but you might.

Black Swan

She deserves it...

What I thought was the most interesting about "Black Swan" was it's perfect casting. Sometimes a person is so perfect for a role you would've thought they wrote the script with the actor in mind. Maybe they did.
Natalie Portman plays Nina, a ballerina who so desperately wants to play the lead in her companies ballet Black Swan. In the ballet she must play both a good princess type and an evil temptress. The head of the company (played by Vincent Cassel) thinks she's perfect as a good girl but that she's so wrong as the bad girl. Who actually would be a great bad girl would be new comer Lily (played by Mila Kunis)
*BTW- Yeah, Mila did a nice acting job in this role ...but Oscar?  Uh, No.
Why didn't they just hire both girls for both roles? They look a lot alike!
But anyways, basically the movie is about how Nina tortures herself trying to be both sides of the swan role. She also has a creepy mom.
About my perfect casting comment... Natalie Portman comes off (to me) as a very sweet, innocent type of person... just like Nina... and the fact that she went THERE in this film... it was incredible to watch.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The 20 Worst movies I saw in 2010


1. Sex and the City 2
I can't believe my girls were reduced to this mess. Disappointing. only watch if you are a super fan like me- you'll find some things in the movie you'll like...

2. Prince of Persia
yawn. Greasy Jake Gyllenhaal with a bad accent is so not appealing to me.

3. The Other Guys
not that funny- I hate it when all the funniest clips are in the previews!

4. Avatar

5. Alice in Wonderland
Dear Johnny Depp, 
Stop ruining all my beloved childhood movies by playing such a freaky weirdo!!

6. Cirque de Freak
How could such a weird movie with vamps, spiders and a monkey girl turn out so boring?

7. Couples Retreat
stop with the lame comedies!

8. The Spirit
really bad.

9. Greenberg
Ben Stiller plays a jerk from NYC who moves to LA and meets another dumb ass.

10. Bride Wars
bad weave on Kate Hudson.

11. Cheri
ugh. whiny.

12. The Box
made no sense.

13. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
I want my money back!!

14. 10,000 BC
I saw this awhile ago but if it wasn't for Jon making caveman mullet jokes this would be the worst movie of all time!

15. the Other Boleyn Girl
the book was excellent. this was not.

16. The Wicker Man
I saw this one awhile ago too but just wanted everyone to know that this could be the worst movie EVER!

17. Honey
I saw it on E! and there was literally NOTHING else on tv. So I turned it off after a few minutes, got my lazy butt up and did laundry instead.

18. Blood: the Last Vampire

19. Street Fighter: the legend of Chun Li
The riveting performance by Chris Klein is Oscar worthy! LOL

20. Bangkok Dangerous
known for it's famous quote: "Rain? Your name means Rain?" in spain? on a plane?...

 *actually reading this list I'm realizing how much time I've wasted! 

The 20 Best movies I saw in 2010

Not in any order...

1. The Town
Love a good Beantown thriller...(The Departed) Plus I just love that Jeremy Renner!

2. A Serious Man
I can't describe why- it was just more of a MOOD. The first part of the movie hooks you, and it's just so spooky.

3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
I love a good kick ass girl movie. and a good murder mystery. Lots of creepy guys in that one. Didn't read the books yet...

4. Toy Story 3
made me cry like a baby!

5. Inception
It was just like one of my normal dreams. I totally got it.

6. Kick Ass
Again, I love a good kickin ass girl character. Plus I thought this was a semi realistic super hero movie. As in, he'd really get his ass kicked if he tried to stop a robbery...

7. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Just pure fun! Plus I love that "Ramona" song by Beck.

8. The Hurt Locker
aahhh. Jeremy.

9. Inglorious Basterds
Tarantino is genius! and he gives the audience what they want!

10. Zombieland
I just love zombie movies.

11. Cyrus
Funny as hell

12. Precious
It struck a chord with me. Or maybe that was just Mo'nique hitting me in the head with a frying pan. The book was good also.

13. Let the Right one In
I haven't seen the american version yet, but this movie was excellent.

14. Winter's Bone
*see my previous post for full review

15. The Hangover
I think I saw this in 2009 though? oh well. It was so funny!

16. Splice
I wouldn't exactly call it a "good" movie as I would call it a "WTF! is happening" movie. Insanity.

17. Watchmen
maybe I saw this in 2009? It was a good one anyways

18. Thirst
A great vampire flick with a crazy ending

19. Ice Age 3
don't laugh- this movie was really funny and cute!

20. Marathon Man (oldie but goodie)
The movie where "Is it safe?" became a scary thing to say to someone

The Kids are All Right

The movie was all right.

The Kids are All Right is a movie about siblings- Laser and Joni who want to find out who their real father is. (who was a sperm donor) They have two mothers, one played by Annette Bening and the other mother is played by Julianne Moore. Early on Laser and Joni find their birth dad and try to build a relationship with him (the dad is played by Mark Ruffallo who I feel always plays the same lazy smokey type of character, plus he's kinda annoying) Anyways I don't want to give too much away but the sex in the movie was kind of pathetic and non-believing- which I thought brought the movie down a bit. Otherwise good acting from Annette Bening! Go see "Julia" instead- a much better Bening movie.

Annette Bening and Julianne Moore

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Winter's Bone

If Jennifer Lawrence isn't (at the very least) nominated for her incredible performance in Winter's Bone, I swear to never host another Oscar Party (that no one ever shows up to...) EVER AGAIN!
Winter's Bone is a movie about a young girl named Ree growing up in some backwoods town (next door to where they filmed Deliverance?) who's drug dealer father has skipped town, put the deed to the house as bail money (or something like that) and unless she finds him she'll lose her house and her little brother and sister will end up in the foster care system. (her mother is too sick and mentally ill to care for them.)

The journey that she takes to find her father and the truth about where he is and why he's gone is so facinating because everyone around her- neighbors, law officials and family members alike- are all so shady and dangerous.  None more so than her Uncle Teardrop (you just know he's spent a lot of time in prison by that name alone) played by John Hawkes- loved him in Deadwood!

John Hawkes as Teardrop. He aint no joke.

Her bravery and persistance is unwavering. She needs to find the truth and as a viewer I felt I need to know what was going to happen to this girl.
A really good, emotional movie!

True Grit

As the credits started rolling after True Grit was ending I turned to my husband and said- "Good... but not as good as I thought it would be." I always view my end credit gut reaction as the best impression/review of a movie.

The best of anything in this movie is definitely the incredible performance by Hailee Steinfeld. She plays a 14 year old girl named Mattie who hires a bounty hunter Rooster (played by Jeff Bridges) to hunt down the man who killed her father. (played by Josh Brolin) All the other actors are good but Mattie definitely steals the show. This girl is steely, bound and determined. She is not your cute and cuddly teenager for sure! I have a special fondness for a movie where the girl character is kick ass... although she kicks ass more verbally than physically...

Jeff Bridges and Hailee Steinfeld

The only time where my attention wavered from Mattie was when Barry Pepper's character (Lucky Ned Pepper) came onto the screen. At this point I was a little confused on why he was there and who he was (mostly because I could hardly understand a word Jeff Bridges was saying...) but who cares because Barry Pepper is so darn good! Wished there was more screen time for him.

Hailee with Barry Pepper

I love the western genre, I just love the idea of olden times, whores, saloons and cowboys. I would add True Grit to my dvd collection, but I wouldn't run out to Target on the Tuesday it came out and pay $30 bucks for the blu-ray special addition. Just sayin.